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tv   [untitled]    September 2, 2012 1:07pm-1:37pm EDT

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the rule of law or if you don't want to be surveyed you know every moment of your your waking life but the fact of the matter is that there's been no attempt to say that any of the stuff that they reveal is fraudulent or misleading the whole strike seems to be to take them out because the actual documents speak for themselves and are clearly for the most part you know extremely damning and very relevant. and plenty more to come this hour including a no mercy for minus israeli bad trends and speak out on a killing this humiliation and brutality the army has committed against palestinian children on. also an attempt to tap into china's world as german chancellor angela merkel tries to convince beijing to use its billions to prop up and even eurozone.
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iran's nuclear ambitions have won some poll for backing one hundred twenty countries voice the approval of peaceful atomic research in the country this is a key point in a unanimously adopted resolution that repped up a nonaligned movement summit in toronto the us and israel have been left reeling by the success of the gathering as they'd been trying to undermine it all along it comes as a new report suggests that iran has doubled its nuclear capacity but the document was rejected by turan as politically motivated it was another blow for israel and its western allies when un chief ban ki moon appeared at the summit he condemned to their persistent aggressive rhetorical and the rest of the strike on iran say it mohammad marandi a professor at the university of to run says it's ironic that the u.s. air force iran to launch an atomic program. the iranians are saying that this report came at a sensitive time to sort of distract attention away from this iranian success the
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irony here is that the iranians at the beginning had no intention whatsoever to produce your aim at twenty percent and then produce nuclear fuel but the americans and the europeans by taking iranian citizen. people hostage force iranians to take that politicians senior politicians really know that an attack on iran would be devastating for the united states and not only for its economy but for its global position and its credibility. independent researcher soraya supply believes iran is the main barrier to you as had had many in the region mr brime ki-moon does recognize the fact and he has said so this iran is a key player in the region and nothing much to really can be solved use our security participation and i'm sure that the united states and israel would like mr ban ki moon to come down hard on iran but he's also aware of the fact there's two
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thirds of the countries that belong to the united nations are member countries of the nine aligned movement the united states state department they do tend to be very aggressive in their foreign policy towards certain countries in particular although i think they have the whole goal in mind they would love to be a global vision monic power with the nonaligned movement now is one hundred percent coming together to resist this kind of aggression. like iran and its enemy israel has lost popularity points after several israeli soldiers testified that children were often their main targets their words were backed by shocking footage showing how it's on we had separated a mother from her daughter in a small palestinian village artist policia has the story. there were demonstrations as indeed there are even weekend now big seller which is a palestinian village and in footage that was captured on camera these soldiers can be seen going from house to house and physically taking people out of their homes
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one person was injured at least six people were arrested five of whom were children and there are pictures of the daughters of one woman trying to save their mother as she was manhandled by the soldiers who were or signaling stun grenades now these reports come hot on the heels of another damning conclusion there is really defense forces has come under fire from its own rank and file an organization known as breaking the silence has published the testimonies of some thirty israeli soldiers and commanders and which they deal specifically with how the i.d.f. treats palestinian children palestinian minors they talk about the op or treat of violence by soldiers when it comes to children and at the same time they say that very often the idea of deliberately targets children using them as human shields during its operations but these reports also going to say that even when children are not deliberately targeted they are not afforded any kind of protection when
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there is a shootout or any kind of military operation as you can witness from that distance that we published and from my own experiences as a soldier i have to say that the main point here is that there is there is no real distinction when it comes to treatment between adults and children for example we were doing constant arrest operations throughout the west bank arresting i don't know how many people you know on a nightly basis in many of the people that we were arresting were either children or teenagers did the most occasions we didn't even know why they were being arrested in one of the raid operations we had to basically invaded the palestinian town in the south of the city of hebron. children started throwing stones at us so it's on point we picked a random kid that didn't even necessarily threw stones at us and used him as a shoe. suited to storm the pool being strong by his friends or by his supposed friends with the team instead of us we were hoping that that would stop him somehow that would stop his friends from throwing stones obviously didn't help him he just
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got injured in the indication so certainly not a good time for the i.d.f. it's finding itself been criticized on a number of fronts policy r.t. television still ahead for you in the program nostalgia for all that know we've caught on why many germans remain fond of the deutsche mark and why it's still popular a decade after the euro is made to the country's approach the currency. also acting in bad faith and we are all the reasons behind and i'm president of rights of islamic extremism in russia putting a series of bad that's the nations of moderate movement larry. the british high court has smashed the hopes and reputation of russia's self exiled tycoon bars a birth scheme his high stakes lawsuit against billionaire compatriot roman abramovich was dismissed in one of the most expensive cases in the legal history
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more on that from marty's laura smith. the final verdict in this case found against bodies which means that he won't receive a cent of the more than five point six billion dollars that he was all skiing for for a. run up but i want to promote himself was not in court but his old scheme was he a relieved looking very upbeat saying that he had full confidence in the british legal system but once the verdict was being read he held his head in his hands and as he was leaving he appears to have lost confidence in the british legal system now this is a case that has opened up for the viewing of the general public the. old brushes make the rich and what they go to up to back in the nineteen ninety's the wild east as we called it back then we're talking about the history of sums of money off shore bank accounts elicit payments made between people often in massive sums of cash. or of kools five star hotels ski resorts and enormous business deals done
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only on the strength of a handshake with no documentation which of course has made this case a very difficult one to judge it's cruel to london to school building a billion eggs along with their own two roses megger expensive lawyers and bodyguards who walked around this course area in their shades in a menacing way but he spit his old ski says that he was done out of billions of dollars when he says that i'm over it intimidated him into selling shares in russian metals and oil companies for a fraction of what they were but abramovich says that in fact him but it's also whenever a business partners that he was making payments to but as well to keep it they were only for political protection. roof in russian he wanted five point six billion dollars on top of the one point two billion that he received back in two thousand and two from this is being one of the biggest civil trials ever held in
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british legal history it's been. hundreds of hours and resulted in millions of dollars worth of legal fees so we've heard the results of this case new when bet is obsolete this time around but we may see more cases of this nature here in london. well news of that mega rich a squabble over billions in london might not go down well in crisis hits spain like caps is hard to come by and one boy is not out of a job according to the latest figures from the us to expert opinion on that next hour. and two hundred years up like he basso in russia for the games of the invasion of napoleon the zero reenacting the collapse. of the u.s. presidential candidates have this week been trading verbal blows as they toward the states they see as vital to their success in november's election earlier republican mitt romney beat barack obama to the gulf coast
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a visiting areas hit by hurricane isaac there's also been a lot of positive between the two obama supporters accusing from neil paying little attention to u.s. soldiers fighting a war while the republicans slammed obama's plan as a foreign policy failure asked him about that he would show more backbone in relations with russia however socialism professor william robinson says the highly personalized campaigns we hide the fact that there's really little choice for american voters seemed unusual or there's no real significant difference between the republicans and the democrats regard to the economic program both parties are beholden to transnational corporate interests particularly to the banking interests of oil interests to the u.s. military industrial complex this is a longstanding reality of u.s. electoral campaigns increasingly their personalized increasingly the real issues are at stake the vital issues for the people in the united states and worldwide are not dealt with and increasingly they are simple simply personalized to time there
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is one difference for. substance and this is coming out. and that is that the obama administration has been pursuing what we call a very limited neocon as you're a little more social programs that are a little more real than really those are the only i see those are the only significant differences right now between these two parties in their presidential candidates. next. you can also author andrew levey know how much a general choice americans have at the upcoming elections here's a preview. it's sort of like. coke and pepsi and the level of antagonism and out of we exist in the places where those things are manufactured and marketed at the level of underlying political vision or underlying political orientation there isn't that much difference and romney would probably be perfectly happy doing what obama does we have
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a media which is south errol that control and. all the institutions that manufacture opinion are so pervasive and our electoral system has become basically if i can advertising it's become a sales promotions there are brands and there are people trying to sell different products one of two products. and it's. a pressure that it's not so much the pressure that hard to resist it's a pressure that most people are most people aren't even aware that there is an alternative. hijacks against muslim leaders in russia have been on the rise recently prompting fears of a steady growth in radicalism and influential sheikh was killed and to stay in dagestan when a female suicide bomber entered the clerics home disguised as a pilgrim and blew herself up this comes after a double assault on muslim figures in central russia in june lie artie's you've got
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a piece going to find out where the roots of extremisms are leading. the trip to work that turned to tragedy that our stance had moved he was driving when a series of blasts threw him from his car the man who's been openly against the spread of radical ideas among believers survived to find out his deputy was shot dead in another part of town investigators still don't know the exact motivation behind the attack but the spotlight is now on the other stun most people here are muslim and that gets mentioned more and more when it comes to the spread of radical islam in washington yes some of the local muslim communities are financed by arab families from states where is an official religion or they got the money has to be worked off and they demand their ideology is spread here so it's. like a business is one of the most fundamental branches of islam it's strongly advocated in saudi arabia which backs it up with billions of dollars of support across the
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muslim world its followers often oppose all other religions sometimes even calling for jihad holy war against them but citizen or any other radical movement of us live of course not part of the official religion here but i thought he saw a different ideas often taught in small mosques hidden from the mainstream. like this one form a boiler house rebuilt into a mosque in one of gazans many apartment blocks the art it's the mom's denying being radical but admit they do not support their stance of visual branches of islam and many of them we don't divide brother muslims and there can be no radicalism no terrorism these are words only used by prove a kidders who want to discredit as. we were told here believers are taught sincerely any quality there are no longer up held in modern society. justice can only be achieved through islam and when someone says islam is the only fan way of
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life and social order they're called radical or extremist and what's the punishment for stealing the band. not the kind of punishment you'd find in russia's criminal code nevertheless such ideas are reportedly gaining more support among young muslims for some experts it could be partly to blame on how the list of banned extremist literature was thrown together. often in books by classical world famous authors have banned or even some of prophet muhammad saints how can we expect muslims to react and of course the radicals use this to gain influence. of course start our stan is a long way from becoming engulfed by the war stuff radical islam how the state reacts to the spread of extremism is now key the wrong moves could only resource in the situation you've got this kind of r.t. because i don't understand. check out r.t. dot com for more on this and many other stories here's what you can find the right
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now any level you old dog you study girl allegedly falls victim to any mom who's accused of trying to frame her for blasphemy in the koran burning case. also online of adultery humor as scratchy characters from the simpsons and use a cattle mouse game to russian lawmakers find out how to talk calm. but german jones lying the america has a rep for her visit to china it was aimed at tapping into the country's want to treat muscle to help all europe out of its downward spiral she saw to boost the flow of investment from beijing into the european stability fund and now you are going to financial trouble that's the chancellor worked hard to create however the german leaders over virtues were met with the guarded response from china's leaders who stop short of pledging more cash injections into european debt. than i need
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from the european council on foreign relations explains why the chinese are in no hurry to lend a hand to berlin. the big hope in europe is that the chinese would invest in some of the new vehicles that have been crazy like the european stability mechanism . the chinese. offering lots of words of support today and yesterday but not much in the way of concrete promises to buy bonds in any case the chinese don't tend to make their bond purchases public so we don't know for example how much the chinese invested in european bones in the last two years since the euro crisis began anyway and we probably won't know so there's a lot of there's a lot of uncertainty about in the case of a bus obviously this is a european company and so it will benefit not just germany but also france and other countries in europe but lots of the deals that have been signed. off the
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german companies are all going to european companies and so to do in that sense there is a competition going on between germany and other european countries and mostly germany seems to be winning that competition while germany is striving to make sure the usa is a freeload to its old currency the deutsche mark showing no signs of being discarded i tunes put all of a has a date tails off balance the old school savings for rainy day. here in germany the don't try are still very much alive and kicking in fact in the store in central berlin the good old they mark is still accepted as legal tender when it comes to purchases with an exchange rate of around two dollars each marks to the euro the store's manager says that there's still enough of the old currency around to warrant them taking it once on the name of three the reason we accept which marks is there are still plenty of people with the old currency we get quite a few people wanting to spend them in our store for it's not just in shops that
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they're accepted if you find a few d. mark coins down the back of the sofa germany's public telephones will happily take them off your hands germany officially dropped the old money for the euro over ten years ago in two thousand and eleven alone though over eight million dollars marks were brought to the bundesbank to be changed into crisp new currency but where is that cash coming from. that he had that is not only one of my only relatives gave me the school and as a gift so i decided to turn them into something it could spend on television. we've had them lying around the house for ages we've only just got around to getting democrats changed or there are those though who say they won't part with their marks as a minister. i keep them as a souvenir i'm not going to change them into europe and according to the blunders bank there's still more than thirteen billion dollars each marks in circulation
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they say they get returns from as far away as brazil and new zealand so unlike some eurozone members the bank won't place a time limit on accepting old money. so we will continue to take them as long as people keep bringing them it's something of a tradition here that currency from years and years ago will always be exchanged for legal tender there are conspiracy theorists. though who say that in the banks vaults are trillions of being stockpiled should the euro crisis deepen only rumors so if the cash that's returned isn't being kept for a rainy day what happens to it and once the exchange is complete those deutsche marks the shredded ending their days as very expensive confetti peter all of a r.t. . you're watching our dear i'll recap our main stories for you shortly stay with us for that.
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much brighter if you want about song from funniest impression. starts on t.v. dot com. we're
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watching our t.v. live from moscow here's a recap of the week's top stories here trick is to have military intervention in syria give the cold shoulder with the new u.n. peace envoy arguing any such interference make a cease fire impossible. a cause of support for the once peaceful nuclear program as a country destroys any notion it's been politically isolated by the us this whole thing of a massive international sound. the war the wealthy. villagers except maybe the bag legal attempts by london based tycoon boris berezovsky to couple up
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a slice of his multi-billion dollar fortune. the republicans of russia nominated presidential candidate mitt romney promises a hardline stance against russia faces criticism for flip flopping on the previous policy. we go on board one of the walls of foster's a sailing ships for breathtaking scenery so stay tuned for that. playing football in the scorching july sun of the iberian peninsula is senseless torture for some of these men others see it as a simple warm up before more difficult contest on dry land they see their rivals face to face but at sea competitors are nothing more than a blip on a radar screen. the wind and waves are the only tangible evidence of their determination to win.
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the crew of the russian three masts sailing ship mir has little time to prepare ahead of the second phase of the two thousand and twelve toll ships race nevertheless a fine five minutes for a brief meeting ceremony. i would like to congratulate you today as we begin our voyage out to sea i hope we'll have a good start this time too i urge you all to do your best like it was. the crew success is a matter of honor for the captain and instructor of mir he will soon be celebrating his seventy fifth birthday and has devoted a third of his life to the world's fastest sailing boat victory would be the perfect gift that the crew will need to give it their all the first phase of the two thousand and twelve tall ships race ended with a discouraging result from ear. of the killer actually we were the first to come in
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after the first lap but after time update we turned out to be third in our class of ships for the miller jersey and frederic chopin polish sailboats where head of us our sister ship from poland will be our main rival both ships have similar designs and sails according to the time correction will last about thirty minutes during the first phase i. think again a thirty to ninety minutes will be enough for us to win here to give a long blast campaign. but. one by. by noon more than thirty sail boats have left the port of lisbon the second part of the race is short little more than two hundred nautical miles they will need to make up for the time she lost in the first place before she reaches the spanish port of kiss the crew unfurls mears sails all three thousand square metres all.
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over all of the boats in this prestigious class of ships mere has the greatest claim to victory her rivals pale in comparison to the number of wins she has racked up over the years she also boasts a skilful crew. strictly speaking these races are a side project from there the russian ship is primarily for training purposes cadets of them a car of academy a would be captains of the russian merchant fleet if they learn how to set sail climb the rigging and timing knots although the age of nuclear vessels such skills seem as useful as speaking latin. your best option and where you. will get your any semen must have practiced as well as theory decides they need to have certain character traits epaulets as well as sailors are sent to other sail
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boats because these people need to make the right decision in the nick of time the sail boat offers the best schooling and character training. day pharrell of canada knows what the person of his mainsail wants him to do their commands are not translated into english after spending several months on may he's used to the routine and was. so expect it of him indeed sometimes he copes with his assignments better than his russian comrades this is not my first time on the start a vessel is still aboard a vessel called the picture house or on the around the world voyage and doing this made me realize i want to sail on the tall ships a for a living and so i went to school to be a navigator and this was not one of the opportunities for our work term was to come on the show you know. there were about twenty trainees like dave on the ship like the sailors they keep watch and they also share courses with the crew there's only
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one thing that sets them apart they have to pay for the privilege this is a floating democracy even the old superstition about women on board being a bad omen is ignored right you know twenty young female cadets some trainees are taking part in the race. my name's lee am i from hamburg germany and yeah this is my second time on the air i would say that i think i was the better we tried to do our best like calling the ropes and so on it's not difficult but it hard they like to think we are right now including the position in the atlantic ocean on route to dens and that's applauded every half an hour i feel great about it we all work together as a team. we help each other through it also makes it ok. the portuguese pilot steering me and leaves the bay at two pm.


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